Posted by Tastefully Simple on April 13, 2020
After transitioning to a stay-at-home mom five years ago, I was looking for something to help pass the time. I had attended a Tastefully Simple party with my mother-in-law, and decided to give the business a try. I had never done any kind of direct sales and didn’t know what to expect.I figured it would just be a fun side thing, but it very quickly becamea big part of our lives and my income.
I conduct much of my business online. I have a very active client group on Facebook and do a lot of Facebook parties and virtual workshops My focus is on providing a lot of value to my online clients and bringing the fun factor to it as well. I also involve my family. My husband and I have gone live while cooking (he’s really the entertaining one of the bunch) and I have also gotten my kiddos involved with making meals or prepping things to bake. It helps me balance working my business while also being mom, and shows others that they can also do this alongside their family.
I prefer to do “live” online parties with all the guests in the event at once to re-create the same atmosphere and vibe of an in-person party. Increased engagement and interaction among your guests can really make the difference between a $200 Facebook party and a $500+ party.
Virtual Freezer Meal Workshops have been a popular component of my business for several years. Many of my Facebook clients from around the country wanted to take advantage of our Freezer Meal Workshops. I needed to find a way to meet that need, while also keeping the fun factor of the in-person workshops. Then I found the Zoom app. I use a set-up with two cameras, so I log into the Zoom room with both my laptop and my phone. I use my laptop so they can see my face, and my phone so they can see me prepping and leading everyone through the prep. I store all of my workshop documents on Google drive, so I can easily email the prep sheets and grocery lists to my clients before the workshop.
I advise anyone who wants to sell online to focus on personality, value and indirect marketing. People don’t go on Facebook to be sold to; they are there for entertainment and socializing. If you are selling on Facebook, it’s because you have built the relationship and they want to support YOU. Tastefully Simple is food, and everyone eats … so it’s quite possibly the easiest thing to market on facebook, if you do it right!
Holly Fraser (NY)
Silver Leader