Posted by Tastefully Simple on June 11, 2020
I started my Tastefully Simple business 22 years ago and am still going strong! All those years ago, I was attracted to TS by the income opportunity and the flexibility to work while raising a young family − three daughters under age 6. I also recognized that I would be selling a consumable product. People love it and need more! It was – and remains today – a wide open market, because everyone eats!
Over the years, the income, flexibility, travel (love all the trips I have earned), friendships, great product and self-improvement opportunities have kept me and my business going and growing!
I love the in-home, taste-testing party format, and that is always my first choice. However, I also offer Facebook parties (a lot more of those recently, thanks to COVID-19), freezer meal workshops, catalog parties, fundraisers and business accounts. There are so many options for meeting my hosts’ and clients’ needs and preferences.
After more than two decades, I can say I still love being my own boss. I’m proud that our daughters grew up watching their entrepreneurial mom setting goals and working hard, yet having fun at the same time. Did I mention how much I LOVE all the trips I have earned for FREE. In the beginning, I set modest goals, like buying a used piano for our girls. Over time my goals evolved into remodeling/building a new home, landscaping, paying for college, buying a cabin.
My goals continue to change. The flexibility is still a blessing; now it allows me to take care of our grandchildren when needed in a pinch or go for a bike ride in the middle of the day. I am very thankful for the life I have created because of my focus and commitment to my Tastefully Simple business!
Who would NOT want to join a fun company with a consumable product that you can sell/share to everyone that eats? A Tastefully Simple business can be a fun side gig or a full-time career. It’s up to you!
Sheri Friederichs (MN)
Diamond Leader