My Business Lets Me Be There for My Kids

My Tastefully Simple journey began almost 13 years ago after being laid off from my corporate sales job during the financial crisis of 2008. I had never tried a Tastefully Simple product and had never been to a party, but some quick research showed me that Tastefully Simple could be a good fit for me. Since then, my ‘why’ continues to be about the money; this business is how I support my family and I love that I can work as little or as much as I want, and that flexibility allows me to be in control of my current and future success.

As a consultant, I help my clients stock up on their favorite seasonings and mixes. This business is so much more than just selling delicious food and drink products, though. I bring friends, family members and coworkers together at our tasting parties, I invite families to come back to the dinner table with our meals and I help solve dinnertime frustrations with Freezer Meal Workshops. It is truly is a pleasure to act as a conduit for bringing people together. Prior to COVID-19 restrictions, 95% of my business was conducted through in-person events like tasting parties, vendor events and Freezer Meal Workshops. In the last 18 months I’ve learned how to take advantage of online opportunities: Facebook parties, Freezer Meal Workshops via Zoom and even offering virtual bingo with Tastefully Simple prizes. I’m a people person, so I do prefer in-person activities, but I am gaining a new appreciation for building a stronger online business. Currently my business is about equal parts in-person and online.

Client care is essential to my business and I really credit that practice for my repeat business. I contact each client who orders to thank them and make sure they received their order whether it’s their first order or their tenth! I keep in touch with my clients with whatever method they prefer – it may be through the two emails I create and send each month or following my Facebook business page. Finally, I’m a big fan of a handwritten thank-you note to my hosts and repeat clients.

What motivates me? Each year I set a goal to earn the Tastefully Simple incentive trip for myself and my husband and a week at the Sunset River Retreat in Texas for our family vacation. My girls love vacationing there and we have made so many memories over the last few years on our annual family vacation to Texas. My Tastefully Simple business helps me indulge my love of travel. To make it happen, I touch my business every day and work my party/event schedule consistently to achieve my sales goals each month.

One of the biggest blessings of this business is the flexibility that allows me to be there for all the special moments in my children’s lives while building a strong business at the same time. Creating a life you love includes flexibility and income potential PLUS the people who will come into your life through your business. I’ve built so many wonderful friendships with members of my team and clients over the years − an unexpected benefit! This is a business where success is directly correlated to the effort you put in; the more attention you give it, the more successful it will be!

Tammy Tosti (PA)
Bronze Leader

For more on the Tastefully Simple opportunity. 

For more information on typical earnings, go to