Posted by Tastefully Simple on March 16, 2020
My very first experience with Tastefully Simple was about 20 years ago, when I attended a party hosted by a friend of my sister. I purchased Bountiful Beer Bread Mix® and Bacon BaconTM. To be honest, after that I kind of forgot about it until just a few years ago, when I was invited to my cousin’s Facebook party. I was excited to reintroduce myself to the products and subsequently hosted my own online party.
As a happy stay-at-home mom for three years, I was feeling a need for something more – not just a hobby, but something that would fill my time while giving me a feeling of accomplishment AND helping my family financially. As a big fan of Tastefully Simple products and knowing how much fun online parties are, it seemed like a perfect fit.
Online events have been my primary focus so far – with two toddlers to entertain all day, I mainly work my business when they say I can! My 2020 goal is to dedicate more time to expanding my business and contributing more to the family income, since this was part of my “why” for joining.
I’ve seen so many blessings from becoming a consultant, from regaining a feeling of accomplishment to stepping out of my comfort zone in challenging ways. The financial benefits have been amazing, having extra money each month for unexpected expenses or just taking my family out for a fun night out occasionally.
It has been exciting to share how incredible and actually life-changing our products can be. I have enjoyed challenging myself each month to reach new goals and grow as I step out of more comfort zones. For me, joining Tastefully Simple was a leap of faith. I wasn’t sure it was something I could do or be able to work into my family’s lifestyle. But I surprised myself with how fun and doable my business really is. As the company says, you work it how you want, when you want and as much as you want. I may bring in a couple hundred dollars a month, but that’s $200 more than I had before, and I had fun earning it. If you are considering starting a Tastefully Simple business of your own, it may be worth your own leap of faith. You just never know what could happen!
Amy Bricker (IL)